AMAZING Life Manifesto: Be Spontaneous

Amazing Life Manifesto, Dreaming  //  

This week from the Amazing Life Manifesto we are focusing on Being Spontaneous!  Instead of finding an excuse of why not to do something… just do it.  Go out and have some fun without even thinking about it!

Live your Amazing Life - Be Spontaneous

Sometimes it just makes life easier to say no… to decline an offer that ultimately would make for a really fun and memorable experience.  Sometimes the thought of jumping at a “crazy” idea and making it happen is just scary.  Fear often is an excuse that keeps us from fulfilling dreams or having fun.

The other day Ryan was feeling antsy and needed to get out of the house.  He needed to take a break and asked me if I wanted to go throw the football around.  I was in the middle of working on a blog post.  However, I had been writing all day so the thought of going outside to take in the fresh air sounded kind of awesome!  However, I did think of every excuse to say no.  “Have you checked the weather- it looks like it is going to rain.”  “I have sweat pants on- I should probably go change.”  All of the reasons to say no came to my mind before I said yes!

Eventually I said yes and we found ourselves spontaneously in the park in the middle of the afternoon throwing the football around!  Fresh air was exactly what we both needed!  We laughed, we flirted like we did in high school, and we had fun.  The work was still here when we got back… and in fact, we were more productive when we returned because we had less time to do more.  (That always motivates me to crank it out! ;) ).

Being Spontaneous always has a positive outcome!  Is there something that you have wanted to do but have found every excuse not to do it?  Do it now.  We have a pillow on our bed that reminds us of this every day.  “Why Not Today?!”  Don’t answer this with an excuse… go out and do something fun!  In fact, call up a friend and have them join you!