AMAZING Life Manifesto: Document Your Journey

Amazing Life Manifesto, Dreaming  //  

It has been a bit crazy over the past few weeks. As much as we love love love traveling, it has left us feeling quite disconnected. Don’t get us wrong; disconnecting can be a very good thing!!! However, when it leaves us scrambling to put up blog posts because of lack of Internet connection, it has us definitely appreciating the interwebs when we do have them! ;) Thanks so much for being so patient with us and understanding when we have been a little less than consistent on getting our blog posts up! ;)

Today, for our delayed AMAZING Life Manifesto post, we wanted to share a little inspiration that we have been reminding ourselves over and over the past few weeks! Document Your Journey! It is so easy, especially as photographers (which is ironic, right?), to forget to take the time to capture our own personal moments. Sometimes carrying the camera around with us is just a hassle or other times we feel bad asking people to stop for a moment and capture a moment in time for us. But those excuses are just excuses, my friends! Crazy excuses that actually rob us of our own memories that we so want to remember!!!

Over the past few weeks, we have been all over the place and our minds have been trying desperately to keep up- but reality is, we cannot remember everything! Through this experience we have gained an even greater appreciation for taking the time to capture this very moment and document our journey along the way! Our cameras have been in our hands over the past few weeks and we have definitely been capturing the sites and sounds of our travels! We have so much to share with you all… but in the meantime (as we wrap our minds around everything), we thought we would share with you a very special video that our friend Jeremy (of Jeremy Mitchell Cinema) put together to help all of us remember the incredible journey that was the What’s Next Tour! Watching this video brings out so many emotions and is the perfect way of remembering this crazy journey we were just on! We are so excited and truly grateful for this gift and special documentation of our journey! Thanks Jeremy!!! And after watching this awesome video, be sure to check out our Instagram feed and hashtag #whatsnextcrew to see more of our fun adventures!


Justin and Mary What’s Next Tour from jeremy mitchell on Vimeo.