It is the toughest moments that show us the most clarity

Dreaming, Our Dreams  //  

It’s crazy sometimes how in an instant, your world can change. How in an instant, your fears and worries seem like a small pittance to pay in this journey through life. The worries we have become so clearly minor compared to the worries that SO MANY people in this world have. But in one instant, that all can change…

Yesterday was one of those days… a day that kicked us in the stomach…hard. And then once we got up, we were shoved back down. Pushed to our limit and asked how much we can take. I kept telling myself, be strong, there are others that need your strength now more than you need it yourself. I took a deep breath, closed my eyes, and prayed for strength. I asked for courage as I put the burdens of what seemed like the world on my shoulders. It is in these moments, the moments that test our resolve, the moments that are the toughest in our lives that show us clarity. It’s these moments that show us how strong we can truly be.

It’s in an instance like this that we might cry out to God… “Why has this happened?” We might cast blame and wonder how a God of glory, a God of all power, could allow this to happen. God could prevent this pain that we feel, this pain that he feels, but he doesn’t. But the thing is, although God could prevent the things that cause us pain, he wants to use us, his servants, to share in His glory. He wants us to look back on the moments that define us and be able to say look how much I accomplished in your glory.

I read the following words in Live to Give (by Austin Gutwein) just a few short days ago and I didn’t realize how true they were until today.

“God has made a plan to use you to accomplish eternal, life-giving, miraculous things!” – Austin Gutwein

I continued to read further.

“The thing we can know is that when we live to give, we get to partner with a God whose love has no end, and we get to play a part in His incredible plan – a plan that will last for eternity.”

In life, we are only given one chance. Don’t waste it. And when God does call on you, follow His plan.

On Tuesday, we shared the What’s Next of 10 AMAZINGLY brave individuals and we promised to share our What’s Next too.

At this moment, at this time, after one of the hardest most trying days of our lives, we know EXACTLY what we are called to do. Our What’s Next is based fully off of this:

We serve to help everyone live a more AMAZING life. To help everyone know a life of Unconditional Love; to help everyone experience a life of Joyful Happiness; and to help everyone serve gracefully with heartfelt authentic gratitude. It is our mission to help every couple we photograph grow stronger in love and to have a marriage that will last for all eternity. It is our mission to help people find more happiness in their lives through the simple moments. It is our mission to Live to Give and serve with full and heartfelt authentic gratitude. It’s our mission to choose LOVE over hate. It is our mission, to show that no dream is too small. It is our mission to show that this one wild and crazy life is one worth living fully. It is our mission responsibility to make this world AMAZING.

And to start, we will be digging in right to the core. In February, we will be speaking our hearts to an incredible group of people (so much more on that to come! ;) ). And we will be following shortly thereafter with a webinar and other exciting AMAZING Life Experiences. If you are interested in joining us, head on over to and click learn more to be notified of more information and have the first opportunity to sign up.

For those of you who pray and/or might be wondering what is going on, we have a family member that is going through some really difficult stuff. We would absolutely appreciate any prayers and positive thoughts you could send our family! They will mean more than you know! Thank you!